The capability to develop treatments and cures for previously untreatable conditions continues to grow and so do the costs to develop, produce, distribute and administer these new breakthroughs. Payers are concerned the costs for these products will continue to grow and they may not be able to offer these new treatments.
Research and development (R&D) in pharma can be notoriously long. It can take 10 to 15 years to complete a research project. Bringing just one drug to the market can cost $2.6 to $4 billion including failures.
These pricing and contract agreement reimbursements and incentives require a great amount of data and analysis so that complicated contracts are reimbursed with total visibility and accuracy. The same holds true for determining the monetary value so that your pricing adds up. You need to know where that value is at for value-based agreements and what stage the outcome is at for outcome-based contracts while monitoring and ensuring that reimbursement and pricing structures meet expectations and provide input to ever-changing models
Preparing now for integrated data model capability will greatly simplify and ensure data lineage, transparency and auditability across the myriad of data points you will have with your go-to-market contracts.