Years in the making, hundreds of spreadsheets later and many, many teams
leave you challenged to change direction, even if it means a more mature
revenue management model will bring less stress. It’s risky for sure to take on a
new process, but not as risky as staying where you are right now. You may think
baby steps are a better option and upgrade one area of revenue management.
But when you only implement specific tools for individual parts of your pricing
process, you are slowing down the adoption and realization of the benefits of a
fully automated revenue management model because you’re still breaking the
process into silos. Learn how to rev up your revenue management
To achieve a predictive revenue management model, your entire process must
be viewed as a cross-functional, strategic initiative. The most successful
companies implement an end-to-end revenue lifecycle culture that embraces
transparency. They place margin optimization at the center so that every team is
responsible — it doesn’t rest solely on the finance team.
Lack of standardized processes and structure
Failure to adopt a margin mindset
Fragmented systems operating in silos